Sunday, July 08, 2007

I hate this guy.

At least as much as it's possible to hate someone without feeling guilty about it.
A couple months ago, Joel Stein wrote an article that was put in the Jerusalem Post. I read it, and hated it. The jist of it was this: I don't care about your baby. I'm not interested in seeing pictures of him. All babies look the same.
That bothered me, so I cut out the article and put it up on the fridge as a weird form of venting. My mother took it down.
The other day, his name popped into my head again, and I don't know why. But I googled him and found his site. It wasn't much better. Especially because there was an article on there that said something along the lines of: Harry Potter is stupid and a waste of time for anyone over 13. Shut up, Joel. Go hang out with Laura Mallory. (Poor Laura Mallory has been turned into the definition of evil within the HP fandom.) And there was another one that said, don't call me when you're driving, not because it's dangerous but because you'll bore me. I kinda wanted to hit him.

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