Friday, February 08, 2008

Where you lead, I will follow...

Hey Howdy Hey! These are my highlights of the past week:
  • For the first time in my life, I went to a social gathering for adults. No, that sounded bad. It's just this: The staff of the school I'm working in had a "Gibush evening", and I have no idea how you say Gibush in English. I don't think there is a word. But whatever it is, we had a party at one of the teachers' houses, and I actually had a lot of fun. It was just kind of a "wow, I'm getting old" moment when I realized that I was sitting and laughing with a group of grown-ups (although you can't really say I'm one of them) who are, in some way, my colleagues. *Sigh*
  • The other first of the week, and this isn't really a little thing (It's just that the Gibush thing was on Tuesday and this thing was on Wednesday), is that this week I went to the first wedding of one of my friends. That's exciting, no? Talk about getting old.
  • The third milestone (Wow, this was a bigger week than I'd realized) was that today I finally finished watching my beloved Gilmore Girls. I only got the last season on DVD a few weeks ago, and apparently I got through it pretty fast (helped a bit by my being sick last week) and I watched the last two episodes today. Let me just say, for all everyone told me about how bad the show got in the last season, it wasn't such a bad season. I mean, nothing beats the first two, but the seventh was just fine. Even if it didn't end wonderfully. Or maybe it did.
  • Oh, I decided to go to a Midrasha next year, which means I'll be studying Jewish subjects for a year before I go to university. So I won't be doing Sherut, I think.

Oy, with the poodles already!

Saturday, February 02, 2008

I'm eating a clone?

Hey! I'm in a good mood at the moment, although I don't know why. Oh well.
So what happened this week? Well it snowed. It didn't snow much in Ariel, but since Israelis react to the tiniest bit of snow (In Ariel, that means a bit of white on some cars) I didn't have to work on Thursday. My siblings didn't have school on Wednesday either. The bad news was that I woke up sick on Thursday, so I basically lost the snow day, plus the snow made it take me over 4 hours to get home. But then from 3:00 onward, I didn't do anything so it wasn't so bad.
Anyway, this Shabbat was really nice. We had the whole family here and celebrated 2 birthdays- Savta's and Noam's. We're still new with the whole "having extended family members on the same continent" thing, so we make a big deal of Shabbatot together and things like birthdays. But I'm away during the week, so I don't see as much of the relatives as everyone else does. So I had a really great time on Shabbat.
This past Sunday I started the application process for Sherut Leumi out of Israel for next year. I'm still not sure I want to do it and goodness knows the process is terrible and I may not get accepted, but I figure I should go along with it until either I or the people in charge decide it's not right for me. So I have an interview for that this week, I hope it goes well!
I'm experimenting with more podcasts lately, because they're fun to listen to and can be listened to on my iPod. At the moment I'm listening to two women talk about being green, hence the random title of this post, which is also the title of the episode I'm sampling. Apparently clones have the potential to be healthy meat. Sounds gross, IMHO.
I think that's about it for the moment. Have a great week! And don't bite the bedbugs.