Thursday, January 24, 2008

Prepare for the most exciting thing that's happened to me lately!

Guess who just passed her driving test this week? Hee hee!
That was over 2 years, 124 lessons, 2 theories and 4 tests. Now I'm done with all of it. I drove home tonight and I had so much fun. Driving an automatic takes some getting used to- it's those long roads where you drive really fast that make you want to keep shifting. Oh well.
So I was basically smiling from Tuesday onward. I'm just so happy! I've been working for this for so so long and with no results, so it was really about time. Actually, my reaction made it seem to me that I really just stopped believing it would ever happen.
So that's the really big news. Next to that, there wasn't really much going on over the past couple of weeks. I was in Ariel last Shabbat (hence the lack of post) but I don't think I'll be there again for a good few weeks. Last weekend was actually a nightmare, because it involved a massive amount of traveling (I was home Thursday night and Saturday night).
Ummm, what else? School is status quo, so I'm fine... We had an activity for Tu Bishvat on Tuesday that went well... That's about it.
I'm still smiling!
Shabbat Shalom!

Friday, January 11, 2008


So, I missed last week's weekly post because I had to get back to Ariel and I had basically no time, so let me catch up on this and last week:

  • Last Sunday I got my first ever traffic ticket. No, I don't have a liscense yet, but I got fined 100 Shekel for crossing the street at a red light. There are too many injuries from accidents like that, so they don't give warnings, said the cop. At the time, I was frustrated because she was right, it was completely my fault and there was nobody to blame but myself. Not to mention that one of my roommates had gotten a ticket for the same reason in the same place two weeks before, and I just didn't learn from her mistake. Later that day, however, I was laughing about it and showing off my ticket to the girls in my apartment. And I've definitely learned my lesson. I won't be crossing anything with a red light for quite some time now.
  • On Wednesday of that week I went to a wedding. I don't go to weddings much because my friends haven't started getting married yet (soon, but not yet...) and this wedding wasn't actually for a friend of mine. The bride had converted to Judaism that week and the Netzarim community (a community from Gush Katif that has partially resettled in Ariel) made her a wedding. They asked everyone to come because there weren't a lot of friends or family there. It was kind of nice, except that we weren't invited for the food part (oh well) and it appeared that the bride and the groom had no idea what was going on. But it really was a special wedding, and probably one of the smallest I'll ever attend...
  • Yesterday I had to go to the doctor in Yerushalayim, and I ended up doing massive and excessive amounts of walking (with my big Sherut bag on my back) due mainly to Bush's visit here and possibly a little bit to my own stupidity. But just a bit.
  • That day off was really really awesome. I'm allowed 14 and this was the first one I've used. I think I deserved it, and it was just wonderful. I basically just did stuff like laundry today and that cleared up my weekend, but it was just so great to be home.
  • This afternoon, I think the very foundation of my beliefs was shaken. I found out that the song "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" was not just a part of the music in The Lion King. It was actually a pop song in the 60's. I'm shocked. I wonder how many kids in my generation heard the song on last week's MuggleCast and experienced the same thing. Or am I just that ignorant? On the other hand, it did clear up for me why the fun version of the song (as appears in the below video, arguably the best scene in the history of Friends) is never on the Lion King soundtracks...
  • Tonight I went to a Sheva Brachot for my cousin who got married last week in New York. It was great... I love my family, and it's good that we have these things once in awhile...
  • After the Sheva Brachot we went to a production of The Mikado. I really don't like Gilbert and Sullivan much- their music is totally not my type and the story line was also weird. Whatever, the last time I saw one of their things was The Pirates of Penzance four years ago. I didn't like that either. Maybe in four years I'll try again. Maybe I'll like it. Maybe I won't.

And on that positive note, it's very late and I need to sleep a bit even if I'm not working tomorrow. Shabbat Shalom! (Oh, I forgot to mention that the big question on my mind these days is what to do next year. But that's another story for another day.)

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Happy Wednesday!

I'm only blogging now because it's cool that I can blog on a Wednesday. I can't blog during the week because Blogger is blocked from the computers at my school. But now it's Wednesday night, and I'm blogging (do I use the word blog way too often on here?) because my week ended early. I'm taking the day off tomorrow- my first vacation day of the year! So I'll be back tomorrow with a more normal post, even though it won't be Wednesday anymore. But I'll be more awake then (wait till I tell you what happened to me today...) and there will be more details about what's going on in my life.