Tuesday, October 31, 2006

PotterCast IV

PotterCast,the Harry Potter podcast: Celebrity interviews, theories, discussion and more from the Leaky Cauldron
Click here for episodes and info; click here to subscribe via iTunes, and click here to use this player on your space and win prizes!

Welcome, welcome to this weeks PotterCast post!
We're missing Melissa this week, because she has a ghoul on her computer. Too bad. But John and Sue do a great job, so don't worry. And the ghoul should be banished by next week...
This week's fan interview is about Arithmancy, the wizarding version of math.
Canon Conundrums: Is Sybill Trelawney a fraud? Steve, aka Ark, also wants to know why her name is spelled Sybill in the US versions of the books, and Sibyll in the UK versions. But that's Steve... My opinion? I agree with Sue. She has the Inner Eye, but it's not too good.
If anyone in Miami is reading this, don't do trick-or-treating at John's apartment. He may kill you with Peanut Butter Cups. And you can go to Sue, because she doesn't just give out celery.
Speaking of Halloween, I don't celebrate it. Since the PC blog challenge this week is to display the pictures of yourself dressed up as a HP character, if anyone who reads this does celebrate Halloween, you can always dress up for me! Or you can just throw a white sheet over you and pretend to be John. Just don't forget eyeholes!
And don't forget to listen!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

See this?

Anyone who has any vague interest in either High School Musical or my *cough* adorable youngest brother, should check this out right away. The sound is behind by a few seconds, but just go and tell me it's not cute!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

It's starting...

Yup! The studying, the homework, the pressure, and for the first time in my life, the discussion on what to do when it's all over... :-(

Monday, October 16, 2006

PotterCast III

PotterCast,the Harry Potter podcast: Celebrity interviews, theories, discussion and more from the Leaky Cauldron
Click here for episodes and info; click here to subscribe via iTunes, and click here to use this player on your space and win prizes!

Remember the first time I posted about PotterCast? I said anyone who is remotely interested in Harry Potter needs to check out this great podcast. Well, I take that back. Anyone and everyone must check out PotterCast. It's just so hysterical, and like I've said before, Melissa, John and Sue are awesome. So what if you've never read any Harry Potter? All you need to know is that the plural of Horcrux is Horcruxes, and you're good to go. It's funny stuff, I think anyone can appreciate it. Just remember, if PC does get you addicted to HP (welcome to the club!), remember I sent you to PC.
Right now I'm listening to PC #59, just released today, which was opened by Matt Lewis who played Neville Longbottom in the HP movies. I can't comment too much, because I'm only 21 minutes in, but I have to say I was touched by something they said. They have a new call-in segment, where, and they were scheduled to have it at 7:00 PM on Friday, but then they changed it to Thursday at 7:00 PM so that Jewish people (much like myself...) can call in. So thanks for thinking of us, PotterCasters!
Now at 38 minutes, I just had to comment on one of the most popular and one of my favorite segments of PotterCast. They have this "Live or Die?" thing, where they ask the fan they're interviewing in their weekly fan interview about a bunch of characters, actually all of the main characters, whether they'll be alive at the end of Book 7. It's fun to listen to, and if I'm alone in the room you can hear me giving my own opinions on that. (Yes, I talk to the podcasts. :-))
Oh, another thing from this weeks PC: PC is going to be featured in Apple's new iPod display, starting this week. If you were going to buy a new iPod, look for PotterCast.
Now I'm listening to Canon Conundrums. This is a segment done by the trio and Steve Vander Ark from The Harry Potter Lexicon, where they try to get to the bottom of various HP issues. This week was special in that everyone agreed on the answer to the question, which I'm not going to discuss here in case someone actually takes my advice and starts reading HP right now.
Actually, I don't think I mentioned that piece of advice. All of you, go to your library and take out Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's/Philosopher's Stone. And when you've finished all of them, go listen to PotterCast.
Anyway, this best episode 59 ever was great. Melissa found out that they were mentioned in a book called Tricks of the Podcasting Masters, which is quite an honor. John feels like a Jedi. (And that will be the first and last time the Jedi are mentioned on my blog.) Dobby's on sale this week, so he's freeee and on his way to the lucky winner of the blog challenge. Nobody spoil the last Unfortunate Events book for Melissa. Oh, and since you all love PC so much, there's a HP convention called Phoenix Rising in May, so go see the PotterCasters there! What else... John has an invisibility coat, and the PotterCasters like bowling. Any other tidbits without spoilers? Don't think so.
Now go listen!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

World Trade Center

I just saw this movie, and it was... beautiful. I may have been using that word a bit too much on this blog lately, but there is just no other appropriate word. It follows the true stories of two policemen who went into the WTC on 9/11 and got trapped under the rubble- the rest of their team died. They couldn't get themselves out, and they were barely alive, until a rescue crew happened to find them. They were two out of just 20 people rescued from the WTC. The movie also follows their families- the waiting, the phone calls... it's all really emotional.
Anyway, this is an awesome movie. Highly reccommended. And that's coming from a chick flick girl.

Choref Tov!

Hey, everyone! Sukkot and Simchat Torah are over. The Sukkah's on the way down. Simchat Torah was awesome- we did a ton of dancing, and it was great. Especially because I was sick last year, so I didn't dance at all. And then we had a shul lunch, which was a lot of fun.
Winter starts after Succot, and I really can't wait for it! I'm so sick of the heat, I'm in the mood for some good cold weather- and that's after I was out of Israel for the entire summer... I want cold, and I want to wear winter clothes! I'll need to do some serious shopping when next summer runs around, but I have no patience for that now...
So have a good winter, everyone! And a good week!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Guess what I realized?

Tamar's Corner turned one year old this week! Happy Birthday to my blog! Yes, I know that was cheesy. Anyway, I missed the actual birthday, which was on the first day of Chol Hamoed. I started it that day because I wanted to do something to cheer myself up after being annoyed at my father for buying a guinea pig. That's ironic, because the saga of our pigs ended (almost) this week too.
Now that I'm on the subject of the piggies, I should wrap it up. So here we go:
First there was Lucy. I don't really know where that name came from, if it was originally Lucy as in I Love Lucy or not. In any case, it was Lucy, and the woman who worked in the pet store said she was pregnant. We were told that guinea pigs are happier with company, but if we were expecting babies, we weren't exactly about to buy two of them. And when the babies came, we'd figure out what to do with them.
The babies never came. Apparently Lucy wasn't really pregnant.
So we got another pig. We made sure to get another female so we wouldn't have to deal with guinea piglets, and it was obvious to all of us that her name was Ethel.
A few months later, three guinea piglets appeared in Lucy and Ethel's cage. By the next morning, there were only two. Now, six months later, the third one is still classified as missing, but we have our ideas about what happened to it. When they were old enough, my father took the two remaining babies to the pet store and got a credit.
It looked like Ethel was the mother, but we really didn't know. And then it happened again, when I was already in the U.S. Another baby appeared.
Now by this point, my mother, never much of an animal girl, had been lobbying for my father to get rid of the pigs for awhile. Probably about as long as we'd had Lucy, I'd say. She argued that they smell, they make a mess, and they have unwanted babies. She had all of her daughters behind her.
It was therefore decided that Lucy had to go, because, as my mother said, "He fathered too many children." The way I see it, that's quite an accomplishment for someone named Lucy. They couldn't take her back to the store, of course, so they gave her to Ein Yael, this "living museum" place with a petting zoo.
When the rest of my family went to America, they gave Ethel and the latest baby to the neighbors to watch. When we came home, with no intentions of getting rid of either one of them right now, we decided they both needed new names. The baby never had a name, and Ethel was quite weird without Lucy.
Since we'd just been in England, and we'd taken the Tube a lot while we were there so we knew all the names of the lines, we named Ethel Piccadilly and her kid Bakerloo after our favorites.
After that came the biggest surprise. Another baby. I need to point out that Piccadilly is both this kid's mother and grandmother, to put it mildly. I can also say that this kid is its own nephew/niece, but I think I should stop there.
So that latest development, plus the horrible stink, the mess and the fact that my sister Mira claims to be allergic to them (and I believe her, because I'd rather not have them) my father finally gave in and decided to get rid of them.
He took them to Ein Yael, only to get a call from them later that day, where they told him they actually don't want them. Then he posted on the Efrat e-mail list, and someone said they want them. He gave them Piccadilly and Bakerloo this past Motzai Chag, and then he gave them the baby because it's not done nursing yet. When it's done, we may give it to a cousin of ours who was at our house during the Chag, who said he wants it.
Wow, that was a long story. The point is, we have no more piggies in the house. I wouldn't reccommend them to anyone, but that's just my opinion. We're still celebrating the end of the era.
And my blog is one year old, but I don't think Ein Yael wants it either...

Monday, October 09, 2006

PotterCast II

PotterCast,the Harry Potter podcast: Celebrity interviews, theories, discussion and more from the Leaky Cauldron
Click here for episodes and info; click here to subscribe via iTunes, and click here to use this player on your space and win prizes!

Hey Potter People!
Let's see how much more I can write about this amazing podcast. See, this contest we're not talking about is still going on, so I get to rave more. First of all, have I mentioned that PotterCast won Best Entertainment at the 2006 Podcast Awards? I think I didn't, so that's another very good reason to listen to the trio. That just goes to show you that I'm not the only crazy one who listens to PC- we fans did the voting, and we did a wonderful job. Actually, those of us who listen aren't crazy at all. Or maybe we are, but think of how much fun it would be to join us? It's fun being crazy... but back on topic. PC has tons of fans- check this out. Not one of my regular websites, but it's worth mentioning. Not only that, but PC has tons of videos- some made by fans and some made by the trio themselves- on YouTube. I really discovered those videos only last night (I'd heard of them before but I never bothered to look at them) but they're awesome! Just another way to show how many fans this podcast has.
Anyway, last week Melissa shared with those of us who read the PotterCast Blog, that she's very annoyed because a lot of people spell PotterCast with a small C, which is simply unacceptable. Well, not really, but let me just clarify this: It's PotterCast, not Pottercast, people. I was supposed to blog about this last week, but I didn't get a chance.
The topic they want us to tell you PC-ignoramuses about this week is how we listen to it. Get this, it's so easy. I listen to PC on iTunes. I have no idea how it works on the other podcast catchers, but with iTunes you subscribe once, and then every time there's a new episode it downloads automatically- and let me repeat that it's free. So the new episode downloads onto my iTunes, I listen the first chance I get, and if I don't get a chance I download it onto my iPod and listen on the way home from school or wherever I happen to be. See, it's so easy. Now I don't do this, but there's also the option of downloading each episode by itself. And over the summer, when I was in the US at Savta's house, she didn't have iTunes on her computer and I wasn't going to download all the episodes onto her computer, I listened online. At PotterCast's site, there's a handy "Listen Now" button, which opens a player that plays PC online- similar to the player on my blog.
So that's how I listen to PC. I highly reccommend that you do the same. Or listen differently, if that's what you prefer. Just listen.
By the way, if by any chance anyone who reads my blog started listening to PC because of these posts, I'd love to know! I'd be thrilled, so please share that with me.
Now go listen!
Edit: In praise of the PotterCast Blog Challenge, I just had to mention that I really just realized right now that PC is none other than my favorite podcast. If there was one podcast I really look forward to every week, that really makes my week- definitely PC. I love MuggleCast, I love (in a very different way) the Sameach Music Podcast (Sameach Music is the company that releases most of the Jewish music I like, and their podcast previews it) and most of the other podcasts I listen to, but PC is definitely the best. Anyway, I heard about this blog challenge, and I would really have no problem raving about PC anyway, because I always knew I loved it. It was only when I thought about what I was writing that I realized how much I loved it. So thanks, for that, PotterCasters! Now let's just hope MuggleCast doesn't do a similar blog challenge, or I'll be in trouble... What's ironic is that I've been listening to MC for so much longer and I actually found out about PC from there...

Hey, how's it going?

Chag Sameach! Our first Chag was very nice. The sukkah came out beautiful, and we had a great time in it. We've been doing the usual Chol Hamoed stuff- hikes and the rest. Savta's coming tomorrow afternoon Be'ezrat Hashem so we'll have some fun with her.
I'm trying to think what else has been going on. I don't remember exactly when my last post was...
Anyway, I've been writing a lot lately, I'm cooking up a story and I hope it turns out good. But in any case it won't be turning out anything for quite awhile.
Have a good week and a Chag Sameach, and don't forget to listen to PotterCast!