Thursday, March 30, 2006

Weekly update, I guess...

  • Poland...
  • Elections...
  • Today is Rosh Chodesh, so Chodesh Tov, everybody. I think that Chodesh HaGeula would be a good thing right around now...

So much for the week... as far as I'm concerned it was like 2 days long. Have a good week!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Purim pic

This is the picture I promised you of me dressed up as Mira on Purim...
I'll post a picture or two from Poland if I can find something appropriate, but I wouldn't count on it...


Well, I'm not one to say anything about politics because I know next to nothing about it... but I'm pretty disappointed about the elections this year, and all I can say is I'll be 18 in under a year and I have every intention in voting as soon as I'm old enough...

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

I'm back!

Except that I haven't quite formulated my answer to the question "How was it?" because the normal answers aren't quite appropriate. Not that it wasn't fun- I couldn't find a better word for dancing at a Melave Malka in the Yeshiva in Gur... but I guess the best thing to say would be that it was, um, meaningful. I learned a lot although I did not particularly enjoy being in Poland of all places... by yesterday afternoon all I wanted was to get home. What else is there to say? A lot of it was depressing and hard, the hotel rooms weren't fun, the food was all brought over from here. But the best thing about being in Poland was definitely the buses. I'll give them that. Polish buses have bathrooms, fold-out tables, little baskets in front of the seats... but the best part is: the driver loads the suitcases...
And that's all for now!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

I'm going to Poland...

I have to be at Binyanei Hauma in Jerusalem at 1:45 tonight or tomorrow morning (whichever way you choose to look at it), and at 6:15 I'll be on the plane to Katovitch, Poland. Then I'll be spending 8 days at sites that have significance to Jewish history or the Holocaust. I'll be learning a lot and seeing a lot, and I'll report back here when I get home!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

The Week that Was

Well, I would say everything that happened this week revolved either around Purim or my upcoming trip to Poland this Monday.
Shabbat: The last Shabbat before Purim is always spent in school. That was fun...
Sunday: The Purim party in school.
Monday: Ta'anit Esther, and a tour in Yad Vashem.
Tuesday: Purim! (I still owe you a picture.)
Wednesday: Shushan Purim, shopping in preparation for my trip.
Thursday: A preparatory talk with a psychologist.
That's all! Have a good week!

Monday, March 13, 2006

Happy Purim!

Have a great time with whatever you do on Purim or whenever you celebrate it! I'll be dressing up as my sister Mira, meaning I'm going to wear all of her clothes, she straightened my hair, and I'll wear tons of Michal Negrin jewelry. Pictures will show up at some point...
Chag Sameach!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Slow news week...

Yeah, well after I got back from Eilat, which I already posted about, nothing really happened... Have a good week!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Eilat II

I just got back from Eilat again, this time on a "tiyul shnati" (=a yearly overnight trip with school) and, OMG, it was great! We did a ton of hiking and we're all really sore, we took a boat ride with singing and dancing, we stayed in a hotel... and so many other things.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Tri-weekly update...

Aaah! Did I just commit myself to writing down everything that happened to me in the past 3 weeks? (Do I rememer everything that happened to me in the past 3 weeks?) Well, here goes...
  • The trip to the Chermon
  • Tu Bishvat and spending time with the grandparents
  • Working like crazy on the beintchumi...
  • ...More working like crazy on the beintchumi...
  • ...and more.
  • Handing in the beintchumi...
  • A pretty good driving lesson
  • Getting sick
  • Tonight we have the "Hachtara" which is a play put on by the 12 graders. I don't know if I'm going because I don't feel great...

Have a good week!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

G-d loves me!

I had to get sick the day after I handed in my "beintchumi". How convenient. On the other hand, today is Rosh Chodesh Adar which means there was dancing this morning in school... and I had to miss that. Oh, well.