Monday, January 02, 2006

Oy, gevalt...

I think HP freaks all over the world will be proud of what they made me go through today.
My sister Mira hadn't seen the new movie yet, and our plan was to go to the 12:30 showing at the mall. So we got there at 12, and I went to buy tickets but we were told it was already sold out. Such is Chanukah. The next showing was... at 4, and going home and coming back later was out of the question because we don't live close enough. We discussed it at length, and I decided to be nice to my little sister and wait there until 4. So the first thing we did was buy tickets for the 4:00 showing, and all we could get was 2nd row. This is the part the HP freaks should be proud of. So anyway, we walked around the mall, bought some things we needed, and around 2:30 we were ready to drop. So we walked around in search of places to sit, sat and walked some more. Eventually we made it into the movie, and my first reaction was, "What idiot put a HP movie in a 7-row theater?" But we can be proud anyway. And the movie was just as good the second time, so I was happy, except for the part where I spent 7 hours in the mall...
Oh, and Mira knows not to ask me for any favors of this kind for a long time.

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