Sunday, January 15, 2006

It's all over... and I'm thrilled!

Well, this feeling isn't new to me, because I've felt it after every Festival I've been at so far. We won!!! We have a very talented person in our grade, and every time we win we owe it to her. This is our fourth year winning first place, and when the principal commended her for this in front of the whole school, I have to say she deserved it. And when we gave the principal flowers like tradition dictates, he passed them on to her.
That said, I'm exhilirated. Shocked. Thrilled. All of the above. Every year, we all say there is no chance we'll win again. Three years in a row is crazy... Four years in a row is crazy... and then we win again. And not only did we win four years straight, but we won in eleventh grade. Nobody wins in 11th grade because they're so busy planning the whole event. We didn't even start working on our dance until this past Thursday. Yet we still managed to win, and defeat the strong urge the judges must have to give someone else first place. OK, I'll admit most of the rest of the songs weren't so good. But still... (Goodness knows this repetitive vitcory really inflates my ego even though I had nothing to do with the actuall win.)
Oh, and I forgot to mention our prize: a trip to the Chermon, because it doesn't seem to be snowing in Jerusalem...
OK, now I'm done raving about our song. We also had a play with a lot of dances, and it came out just amazing! The acting was good, and the music added a ton.
Anyway, I need to go to sleep soon. But I'm so proud of all of us!!! We did it!!!
Oh, and I'm not posting any pictures because they all came out bad. :-( I forgot my camera had a setting for fast motion, so they came out blurry. Maybe if I get my hands on someone else's I'll share them.

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