Saturday, October 14, 2006

Choref Tov!

Hey, everyone! Sukkot and Simchat Torah are over. The Sukkah's on the way down. Simchat Torah was awesome- we did a ton of dancing, and it was great. Especially because I was sick last year, so I didn't dance at all. And then we had a shul lunch, which was a lot of fun.
Winter starts after Succot, and I really can't wait for it! I'm so sick of the heat, I'm in the mood for some good cold weather- and that's after I was out of Israel for the entire summer... I want cold, and I want to wear winter clothes! I'll need to do some serious shopping when next summer runs around, but I have no patience for that now...
So have a good winter, everyone! And a good week!

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