Thursday, June 05, 2008

What a week.

So I haven't posted in two weeks... OK, I'm allowed once in awhile. I got home this past Thursday and will be here until after Shavuot. Woohoo!

I'm recovering from the longest week ever. Not because anything particularly bad happened, just because. Maybe because I was in Ariel for Shabbat, maybe because I had something every day. Maybe just because.

Anyway, you might say the highlight of the week was Yom Yerushalayim. On Yom Yerushalyaim every year there is a huge event in Yerushalayim called the Rikudgalim that something like everyone goes to. It's a really nice thing, and so much fun...

The day before, we had a big thing in Ariel. I guess it was kind of an imitation Rikudgalim, but it was a lot of fun. There was some kind of march (for lack of a better word) which was followed by a lot of dancing and a ceremony, which was great.

What else? Our birds learned how to fly and left. We'll miss them. Though they do come back every night. No, I take that back. I'll miss them, and one of my roommates. The rest couldn't care less. But that's not to say the nest and poop are all cleaned up, or that the risk of bird flu is gone. Not that I really understand that stuff. Anyway, check out our gorgeous babies!

In other news, Ariel turned 30 this week. We actually missed the festivities because we were at a Torah dedication in memory of our friend's father who passed away recently. But I don't seem to have missed much. Anyway, the city is rather obsessed with this big birthday, but the fact is it's a big thing. It started out as nothing, almost. Look how much it's grown...
I just had Esti, a very old friend, over for Shabbat. That was a lot of fun. Except that she's going home to the US in a couple of weeks, and I've only seen her this once. But it was great to see her.

I think that's it. Tomorrow night is Shavuot, which means theoretically staying up all night, and a lot of dairy products. I just won the game of Sfirat HaOmer. The year is close to over, and the closer we get, the more depressing. Our summer plans are quite possibly changing drastically due to some kind of tax thing I don't understand. Anything else? I think we're done.

Mind the Gap. Shavua Tov!

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