The night before that, I stayed in Ariel for the bonfires. We manned the food booth at the citywide bonfire, which was slightly lame but we had fun... there was music and good food, anyway. When that was over we went to a bonfire a bunch of the families we know made, which was basically winding down, but we still had time for some singing which was great. Then we went back to the apartments, and I felt really old because we went to bed around 1. You don't go to bed before 2:30 on Lag BaOmer, ever. And I also had no meat that night, just because I wasn't at the right place at the right time, which was different. Lag BaOmer means bonfires, which means meat.
Today we had a bunch of cousins for Shabbat, and that was fun. Most of them are leaving at the end of the year, so it was good to see them all before.
Speaking of the end of the year, it's starting to get sad. Suddenly you realize how short Sherut Leumi actually is. It's just like- next year, I won't be in school anymore, and I won't be in Ariel. It's kind of weird, but life will go on without me, you know? It's not like my life won't be going on without them. And I'll be leaving all the girls, who have become really good friends. That's sad.
In my apartm
ent, we have a nest in our window. In the nest are two baby pigeons. Actually, they're not really babies anymore. In any case, their mommy left them, and we're left to watch them. One of my roommates really loves them, and I'm trying very hard not to admit I feel the same way. The rest of us have been saying for weeks that we need to get rid of them because they carry diseases. I actually freaked myself out the other day by looking them up on Wikipedia to check exactly what diseases those are. I then needed to call my mother and get reassured that there is no danger in breathing the same air as them, and the only danger is coming in real contact, like being bitten. So we're fine.
I think that's all for now. Keep twiddling those dials. The next password will be "bird flu". Keep each other safe. Keep faith. Good night.