Thursday, July 05, 2007


I'm so happy! Know how For Better or For Worse is ending soon, so the plots are working towards something resembling a season finale? First of all, I'm not sure it's actually ending. But that's completely besides the point. The point is, there is something I've been waiting for, to happen to a certain Elizabeth Patterson (who is a member of the Patterson family which FBorFW is focused on) and IT REALLY HAPPENED!!! I always knew it was going to happen, but I just wanted it to come already! Thank you, Lynn Johnston! :-) Now, whoever reads this, if you're a FBorFW fan, I hope you've read today's strip (5 July) already, and are as happy as I am, and if you're not a fan, go check out today's strip anyway, and you'll understand why I'm so happy...
Wow. That was weird. On the other hand, if this is how I reacted to that, I can't wait to see my own reaction (and everyone else's) when Voldemort dies and Harry and Ginny get married and have 12 babies... LOL.
Now is the part where my summer really starts. I've been saying that for awhile, but now I've really started studying for all the things I have to study for... and that Psychometric stuff is really boring!
Oh, and I have a cold of some sort. My nose is snuffy. (Noam said that once.) I feel gross.

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