Thursday, February 08, 2007


I love that word.
Today I handed in my very last Beintchumi. Ever. And don't go telling me about all those papers I'm going to have to write in my future school career, because I couldn't care less about them right now. I also functioned today on 3.5 hours of sleep, after going to bed last night at 3, got the paper printed even though the printer was acting up, and had time to get lost in town during my free class to bind it.
But now, I'm freeee! The euphoria came a bit late because I was falling over and because of that stupid printer, but I'm really free! Now for all of the things "I'm going to do after the Beintchumi..."
For one thing, I never ever watch movies. I'm watching a movie tonight- The Wizard of Oz, which I've wanted to see again ever since the summer, when I got a *ahem* new perspective after reading Wicked: the Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West and especially after seeing the musical.
Anything else? Oh, we started advertising our Hachtara at school. More on that later...

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