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Remember the first time I posted about PotterCast? I said anyone who is remotely interested in Harry Potter needs to check out this great podcast. Well, I take that back. Anyone and everyone must check out PotterCast. It's just so hysterical, and like I've said before, Melissa, John and Sue are awesome. So what if you've never read any Harry Potter? All you need to know is that the plural of Horcrux is Horcruxes, and you're good to go. It's funny stuff, I think anyone can appreciate it. Just remember, if PC does get you addicted to HP (welcome to the club!), remember I sent you to PC.
Right now I'm listening to PC #59, just released today, which was opened by Matt Lewis who played Neville Longbottom in the HP movies. I can't comment too much, because I'm only 21 minutes in, but I have to say I was touched by something they said. They have a new call-in segment, where, and they were scheduled to have it at 7:00 PM on Friday, but then they changed it to Thursday at 7:00 PM so that Jewish people (much like myself...) can call in. So thanks for thinking of us, PotterCasters!
Now at 38 minutes, I just had to comment on one of the most popular and one of my favorite segments of PotterCast. They have this "Live or Die?" thing, where they ask the fan they're interviewing in their weekly fan interview about a bunch of characters, actually all of the main characters, whether they'll be alive at the end of Book 7. It's fun to listen to, and if I'm alone in the room you can hear me giving my own opinions on that. (Yes, I talk to the podcasts. :-))
Oh, another thing from this weeks PC: PC is going to be featured in Apple's new iPod display, starting this week. If you were going to buy a new iPod, look for PotterCast.
Now I'm listening to Canon Conundrums. This is a segment done by the trio and Steve Vander Ark from The Harry Potter Lexicon, where they try to get to the bottom of various HP issues. This week was special in that everyone agreed on the answer to the question, which I'm not going to discuss here in case someone actually takes my advice and starts reading HP right now.
Actually, I don't think I mentioned that piece of advice. All of you, go to your library and take out Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's/Philosopher's Stone. And when you've finished all of them, go listen to PotterCast.
Anyway, this best episode 59 ever was great. Melissa found out that they were mentioned in a book called Tricks of the Podcasting Masters, which is quite an honor. John feels like a Jedi. (And that will be the first and last time the Jedi are mentioned on my blog.) Dobby's on sale this week, so he's freeee and on his way to the lucky winner of the blog challenge. Nobody spoil the last Unfortunate Events book for Melissa. Oh, and since you all love PC so much, there's a HP convention called Phoenix Rising in May, so go see the PotterCasters there! What else... John has an invisibility coat, and the PotterCasters like bowling. Any other tidbits without spoilers? Don't think so.
Now go listen!
What are you talking about? Plural of horcruxes is horcri!
...Which wouldn't be funny if people didn't know that Jo thinks it's Horcruxes...
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