- For the first time in my life, I went to a social gathering for adults. No, that sounded bad. It's just this: The staff of the school I'm working in had a "Gibush evening", and I have no idea how you say Gibush in English. I don't think there is a word. But whatever it is, we had a party at one of the teachers' houses, and I actually had a lot of fun. It was just kind of a "wow, I'm getting old" moment when I realized that I was sitting and laughing with a group of grown-ups (although you can't really say I'm one of them) who are, in some way, my colleagues. *Sigh*
- The other first of the week, and this isn't really a little thing (It's just that the Gibush thing was on Tuesday and this thing was on Wednesday), is that this week I went to the first wedding of one of my friends. That's exciting, no? Talk about getting old.
- The third milestone (Wow, this was a bigger week than I'd realized) was that today I finally finished watching my beloved Gilmore Girls. I only got the last season on DVD a few weeks ago, and apparently I got through it pretty fast (helped a bit by my being sick last week) and I watched the last two episodes today. Let me just say, for all everyone told me about how bad the show got in the last season, it wasn't such a bad season. I mean, nothing beats the first two, but the seventh was just fine. Even if it didn't end wonderfully. Or maybe it did.
- Oh, I decided to go to a Midrasha next year, which means I'll be studying Jewish subjects for a year before I go to university. So I won't be doing Sherut, I think.
Oy, with the poodles already!