Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I'm alive!

Hi everyone! Remember me?
It's now 12:50 AM, but I felt the need to come in here and tell you all that the reason I have been off the internet for the past 2 weeks is now over. I have in my hands, my 11th grade "beintchumi", which is this massive paper I had to write, which somehow got procrastinated until the last second and I had to work like crazy. So now it's done, a bit shorter than it has to be, and not anywhere near perfect, but what's important is I got my life back. So now I need to go to sleep, and there will be more posts soon...

Monday, February 13, 2006

The Chermon

The Chermon is a ski slope in the very far north of Israel. We went there as a prize for winning the Symphonia... (see previous posts). So what happened yesterday?
I got up before 6. We sat on the bus for 5 hours. Our bus driver took pleasure in throwing snow at us inside the bus. We took a ski lift to the top of the mountain. We did not ski down. I had issues with my camera batteries. I fixed the issues with my camera batteries. I rented a sled with my friend Adina. We sledded down a mini-slope a million times. We had a great time. My toe got run over by someone's sled. We went down a few more times. We went back down on the lift. We got back on the bus and most of us promptly went to sleep. We drove back to Jerusalem. We stopped at a rest stop where the toilets were flooded and it kinda smelled a bit bad. I had issues with the buses on the way home. I came home exhausted.
So did I have a good day yesterday? Of course I did.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

What happened this week?

  • All the buses to Efrat were changed, making my commute home a lot longer, more annoying, colder and a lot less fun.
  • My last session of vision therapy, which is a way of solving eye problems without glasses. I still need glasses, but it did help...
  • I had my last "0" chemistry class- called 0 because it's before the first class at 8:00 AM on Wednesday. We're making progress in the material, so we dropped that early class!
  • My driving lesson, though, was sadly not the last...
  • We had a not-so-interesting tour with my chemistry class...
  • My grandparents, who are avid readers of Tamar's Corner, came today! And I took advantage of the early end of this tour to go with my father to pick them up from the airport.

Have a great week!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

I got glasses!

Yep, I got reading glasses. Everyone in my family has had glasses from a pretty young age, and my genes took 17 years to catch up with me. Anyway, I don't mind that much, and the computer screen looks so much bigger now...
(And don't look at the picture. It's bad.)

Thursday, February 02, 2006

The week that was

  • The beloved cousins leave...
  • A full-day seminar preparing us for our trip to Poland.
  • I'm not really sure how to comment on the violence that went on yesterday at the evacuation from Amona, so I think I won't say anything.

That's all! Have a good week!